Thanks to the generosity of those who have supported the Scholarship Fund through 2023, $776.700 has been contributed to advancing the education of these fine Elgin area students. Recipients are from Elgin Academy, Elgin High School, Harvest Christian Academy, Larkin High School, St. Edward Central Catholic High School, South Elgin High School, Burlington Central, and Westminster Christian School.
“I would like to thank your board of directors for their benevolence and for awarding me one of your annual scholarships. Your generosity will assist with my tuition at Lake Forest College where I will play football at the next level.” -Gratefully-Max K 2022 Recipient
Your contributions are essential to provide valuable scholarships to our local students.
Donations are deductible, as the Elgin Sports Hall of Fame is a 501(c)3 charitable organization.
The Board of Directors wishes to give a special thank you to those who contributed to the Elgin Sports Hall of Fame Scholarship Program this year.
Jon Hoffman
Laird Family
Mike & Lynn Wahl
Carol Biggins
Scott Flora
Jay Geldmacher
Bill & Taffy Hoffer
Gregg Hofstetter
Jan Martin
Mary O’Brien
Doris Oergel
Ken & Jerri Barnhart
Matt Clark
Tom & Sue Hannula
Jim Harrington
Ron & Kathie Lange
Mark McDonald
Rich Renner
Patrick Sharpe
Roger & Mary Kay Smithberg
Mark Stettner
Rick Sund
Bill & Sally
Vincent Craig Vollman
Rick & Jan Andresen
Bruce Bazsali
Craig Benthusen
Tom Berna
Gary Bowen
Randy & Carol Brittain
Ken Brown
Luis Cabrera
Terry Carlson
Rick Ceh
Frank Celarek
Richard Ciaccio
Bonnie DeBoer
Judy DiFulvio
Larry Drafall
Jon Duppler
Michael Ellsworth
Judy Emmert
Bill Farley
Bruce Firchau
Julie & Jerry Fisher
Matt Freesemann
Kevin Gallery
Carl & Pam Gustafson
Jennifer Haley
Ray Haley
Pat & Kathy Hannell
Bill Hofstetter
Dave Huxtable
Bill & Jan Jones
Joe Keenan
Jim & Shelly Kossakowski
Amy Kovacs
Craig & Patty Lamp
Earl & Luanne Lamp
Glen & Patsy Lose
Jim Mason
Scott Mason
Ken McGhie
Pat McKenna
Ryan McKenna
Ryan Meyers
Kerry & Linda O’Connor
John O’Haire
Richard Parsons
John & Toni Paul
Jim Perkins
Paul & Nicki Perrin
Ron & Ann Riebock
Blaine Royer
Katherine Sandow
Art Sauceda
Pete Sauter
Ed & Karen Schock
Mark Sharf
Dennis Sienko
Craig Sjurset
Robert Smith
Steve Smith
Woody & Pam Stack
Richard & Faith Thomas
Bob & Dawn Todd
Lee & Jo Turek
Bud Varisco
Gus Vaughan
Anne Vogt
Curt Whipple
E.C. Wilson
Tom Aley
Joe Armentrout
Dan & Caryl Barnes
Dick Becker
Joan Berna
Harry Blizzard
Bill Burns
Steve Childs
Terry Drake
Peter Duffy
Wally Gumm
Stuart Hymen
Erik Jacobsen
Tim Jones
David Kellenberger
Bill Lauderdale
Tom Leith
Steve Lose
Don Mapes
John Messinger
Mark Michelson
Dr. Robert Mueller
Clare Ollayos
Rick Palmer
Jim Pease
Carlos Perez
Susan Pistorio
Mike Rolando
George Rowe
Steve Salisbury
Mary Jo Sheehy
Kurt & Peggy Sikora
Rod & Lori Sink
Mike Sitter
Chuck Smith
Dave & Nila St. John
Mike Sterricker
Studio 1
Corey Toppel
Terry Whipple
John Whitmer
Don Wojciechowski