The Vic Masi Award is given and presented by the Elgin Sports Hall of Fame Foundation Board of Directors. This award is a special way of recognizing those who have contributed to the Elgin Sports Hall of Fame, to athletics and sports in the city of Elgin, and/or to an Elgin school or schools.

It is a truly special recognition award for those who have served behind the scenes or at the forefront of athletics in Elgin. Thus, the Victor M. Masi Outstanding Service Award will be presented by the Elgin Sports Hall of Fame Foundation Board of Directors to a person or organization that has made a significant, long-lasting contribution to the Hall of Fame, the City of Elgin, or its schools. In selecting recipients, voluntary service will be one of the major considerations.

Vic Masi

2024 Victor Masi Award Recipient

Mike Wahl

Mike Wahl

MIKE WAHL – 2024 Victor Masi Service Award

Mike Wahl is the 2024 recipient of the Victor Masi Outstanding
Service Award. Mike spent numerous years volunteering as a
coach in youth sports with Elgin Classic Little League and the
Elgin YMCA before running the Elgin Rippers Baseball program.
He has also been involved with high school sports/athletics at
Larkin High as a member of the Booster Club as well as chairing
the golf outing and raising money for the school’s athletic
programs. At St. Edward Catholic High, Mike has supported the
mission and vision of the school for over 40 years. Mike has been
a member of the Elgin Sports Hall of Fame Foundation’s Board of
Directors since 2010. During that time, he has served as president,
vice president and treasurer. He has been instrumental in the
highly successful golf outing the foundation holds each year.

2023 Victor Masi Award Recipient

Keith Bohlin

Keith Bohlin

KEITH BOHLIN – 2023 Recipient of the Vic Masi Service Award

Keith Bohlin is the 2023 recipient of the Vic Masi Outstanding Achievement Award for
his contributions to youth sports and to Larkin High School athletics. Keith helped build
the baseball diamond and dugouts at the original Continental Little League fields at
Grolich Park in the early 1960’s. Later, he spent several years coaching baseball in the
Elgin Teener League. At Larkin High, Bohlin organized the electrician and other needed
workers and helped build the storage shed at LHS and did the necessary work to get
electrical wiring installed and approved for outside track and field facilities. In addition,
Keith built dugouts for the LHS baseball team and organized the construction of the
concrete floor in the Memorial Field press box. He was active in the Larkin Booster Club
for 15 years, including service as president, and his business sponsored numerous Larkin
athletic teams for many years.

Experience it in person!

If you’d like to view previous Vic Masi Award Recipients we invite you to the ESHOF on-site Touch Pro Experience, located at The Centre of Elgin.


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